PHR means Personal Health Record and is preceded by the letter e because it is in an electronic (digital) format, specially designed to facilitate the upload of all your medical data.
The system is centered on patients’ needs and rights.
The record belongs to the patient, like an identity document (ID).
Patient is required to fulfill the register and work at the management icon of his e-PHR. Everything else will be provided by attending physicians, who are responsible for clinical data quality.
Physicians are oriented to create a problem list, according the worldwide known problem-oriented medical record described by Lawrence Weed. A data base composed by clinical history, physical exam and some preliminary laboratory data would support each listed problem. Based on each numbered problem, physician will define his intervention planning, which should be kept under surveillance and recorded in progress notes until it is resolved. Additionally, reports, images and videos of diagnostic exams should be uploaded by attending physicians into the designed icon.
Patients are stimulated to actively interact with their physicians to better qualify the problem list.
Global e-PHR also provides to the patients an automatic generated timeline of events and a summary including all uploaded information.
Patient access to his Global e-PHR is based on exclusive username (UN) and password (PW). Only the patient has the right to share his clinical information. At patient’s discretion, sharing his Global e-PHR should be restricted to professionals or institutions directly involved in his healthcare.
This is your management zone, where you will generate your username and password. Here, you will authorize physicians and institutions to have full access to your medical record. Under your authorization, physicians are allowed to edit your e-PHR. You have the right to turn a physician active or inactive at any time. When turned active, the physician is allowed to write at your e-PHR. When turned inactive, the physician will continue having full access to patient record, but is no longer allowed to edit.
This is your registry zone.
Please, fulfill all required information.
Keep your personal data always up to date
Here the physicians will create a numbered problem list. The problem is anything important for patient’s health. The problem (defined by the physician) can be active or inactive. Before entering a new problem in the list, the attending physician should review all previously listed problems. No problem should be repeated. Each problem entered in the list is followed by the date and name of the responsible physician.
Each problem, entered in the problem list, will include relevant information obtained from patient’s history (anamnesis), physical exam and preliminary laboratory data. A medical report is immediately associated with the respective numbered problem and is automatically dated and electronic signed.
Each database supports a specific problem, generating diagnostic hypotheses and therapeutic interventions. Here, the attending physician will write a list of diagnostic hypotheses and order additional tests, improving the accuracy of the diagnosis. Here, physician provides therapeutic recommendations, supported by references and levels of evidence.
Here, patient exams are saved. The attending physician will classify the exams into categories: laboratory of clinical analysis, imaging, endoscopy, pathology, genetic markers and others. The attending physician will upload all data, including images, videos and reports. All information will be automatically dated and electronically signed.
Here the attending physician will write progress notes for each problem. Each note should be associated with the respective numbered problem and is automatically dated and electronic signed.
This function is automatically generated by the system. By clicking on this icon, you will see all dated activities performed sequentially on your e-PHR
This function is automatically generated by the system. Here you will see a summary of your medical record, organized in a chronological format.
Global e-PHR was designed to meet the objectives of all stakeholders.
According to your category, please give a look and make your comment. Your contribution will create collective intelligence.
The stakeholders are: